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Praise for Manage to Engage

"The world changed in 2020 - DID YOU? In Manage to Engage Proudfoot CEO Pam Hackett uses some of the lessons of the pandemic response to drive home the now and future importance of 'engaging' a company's workforce."


Raymond I. Wilcox

CEO Chevron Phillips Chemical Company

“For years Pamela has been talking about engagement being the catalyst for everything you want to do at work, from achieving remarkable results to innovation to charging ahead of your competitors. I am so pleased to see Pam put her thoughts into a book and share them. She has team members who go ‘all-in’ for her and to learn how to really do this, pragmatically, particularly during challenging times, is not just timely, but necessary.”


Gemma Manning

Founder Manning & Co

"Ms. Hackett has done a masterful job redefining the decades-old principles of employee engagement and describing engagement's limitless potential in today's new work environment. I particularly like how she has envisioned employee engagement in this new world as a new and better opportunity for high performance and healthier workforces."


Michael Critelli

Former Chairman and CEO of Pitney Bowes

“Top performing organizations are led by both a well-understood shared mission and inspiring leadership. Maya Angelou famously said, “I won’t remember exactly what you said, or what you did, but, I will always remember how you made me feel”. Inspiring leaders are those who create a feeling of engagement in something larger than “just a paycheck”. Employees who feel heard and valued create a loyal, happy and repeat customer base. Pam Hackett shows the way and I highly recommend this new book to any manager who wishes to accelerate their own career as a leader and the performance of their organization.”


Steve Bartlett

Past President and Chief Executive of the Financial Services Roundtable

“Business success and competitive advantage for companies requires both a winning strategy and the ability to execute that strategy with discipline. The winning strategy requires top management making informed choices about the needs, desires and problems of their target customers, and assembling an enterprise that can serve those customers in a way to creates loyalty and return usage. Top management spends enormous amounts of time on the strategy and business plan, and yet discover that they are at the mercy of their mid-level and first-line managers to execute. Key to disciplined execution is an engaged, motivated and skilled employee force managed thoughtfully and consistently. This creates repeat customers and top performing operations and profitability.“

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David Turnbull

Executive Chairman of Hong Kong listed Pacific Basin Shipping limited

"This is a clarion call to action, a timely reminder that the future of business is still people and that only by re-evaluating the way we lead and manage can businesses achieve the radical transformation needed if they are to recover from the shock of COVID-19. This means unlocking peoples' potential which demands more of leaders and managers. This is a must read for any senior leader, whether in business, the public sector or the Armed Forces. Inspiring, readable and packed with wisdom."


Sir Richard Shirreff

Co-Founder and Partner Strategia Worldwide

"Brilliantly written by award-winning Proudfoot CEO Pam Hackett, Manage to Engage offers practical and highly efficient ways to engage and inspire everyone in any organization, big or small. At a time when managers and leaders need to reinvent the workplace of the future, we need to engage in new ways to not only improve productivity but also focus on the long-term mental health and wellbeing of the people within the organization."


Bernard Lord

CEO Medavie BlueCross

“Top performing companies, while different in many ways, all share one common characteristic. They get top marks for customer experience. With all the investment in technology, expeditious processes, etc., that companies have made trying to establish a competitive edge, the customer experience remains paramount and is still impacted first and foremost by the human interaction between the customer and the customer-facing employee. A disengaged, toxic work force, which unfortunately still exists in too many companies can destroy even the most insightful business strategy. It’s the responsibility, especially of front-line management and supervision, to engage as a mentor, coach and leader to their direct reports. This is the foundation of an engaged, motivated and inspired customer-facing team member.”


Mike Michael

Executive Vice President, Fifth Third Bank

“For a long, long time organizational performance and productivity were seen as a function of having well-designed standards and optimized processes to ensure the right thing, getting to the right place at the right time in the right quantity. Kaizen, Lean, Six Sigma et al, are examples and in fact, are still widely used today across the globe. In this engaging new book by Pam Hackett, she pays tribute to these traditional tenets, yet, makes a compelling case for an even more important factor, the engaged, inspired and motivated manager and employee. If you aspire to move your organization to a higher level of performance, this shows you the way.”


Gordon Peeling

Director of Great Quest Fertilizer Limited

“Whether you live in New York, Beijing, London or Sao Paulo, Pam Hackett’s “Manage to Engage” lays out critically important lessons for the CEO and the leadership team as to how to create and sustain People-engaged businesses, robust enough to profitably survive in the Covid-19 and post-Covid-19 eras. As the former Leader of the “boots-on-the-ground” Proudfoot management consultancy, Pam Hackett lays out a roadmap without fluff, but filled with practical and implementable initiatives. A worthwhile and valuable read”


Franklin Feder

Former CEO of Alcoa Latin America & Caribbean

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